Learning To Love Your Body as It Changes

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Our bodies are not designed to remain the same forever. Instead, they shift and change throughout life. From puberty to menopause, pregnancy, weight loss and weight gain, our bodies experience a lot of changes, and it’s important to embrace our bodies at every stage.

As your body grows, changes, and matures, it can be difficult to accept things that you don’t like. Due to the impact of social media, many young people today are stuck in unhealthy relationships with their bodies. Instead of accepting their bodies as changing, they fight against it, not realising that their bodies are only going to keep changing. It can be hard to accept sometimes, but here are some tips to help make the process easier:

Commit to it

Whether you’ve recently lost weight, are carrying a little extra weight or are struggling to maintain muscle, your body changes all the time. This can be frustrating, but our body changes for a reason. As an example, during menopause, your body may gain weight due to significant fluctuations and an overall decline in estrogen levels. As estrogen regulates body weight, a decline in the hormone can lead to the body storing more fat, especially around the abdomen. To combat menopausal weight gain, many women turn to supplements such as MenoPhix and the ones like it that can boost estrogen levels and help in losing weight. By replenishing the declining estrogen levels, these supplements can potentially restore hormonal balance, regulate metabolism, and support healthy weight management during this transitional phase. While not a magic solution, incorporating menopause-specific supplements may provide the extra support needed to maintain a healthy body composition.

Looking a particular way makes you happier

It’s true that how you look can affect your happiness levels. As your body changes, so will the way you feel about yourself. However, there are some things that you can control and keep the same over longer periods of time. If you like having blue hair, dye it blue. If you like having piercings or tattoos, get more. If you like the way your favourite coat makes you look, wear it all the time! But it’s also okay to want to fix your insecurities. For instance, if you have battled with severe acne your whole life and it affects your self-confidence, seeking professional dermatological treatment could be a beneficial step towards improving your skin and boosting your self-esteem. Likewise, if you have always hated the way your chubby cheeks look, opting for Buccal Fat Reduction Los Angeles (if that’s where you live) might be a good option to consider, if that means you’ll feel more confident about yourself.

Stop comparing yourself to other people

So, your boyfriend has crystal-clear skin. Or maybe your girlfriend has a full 6-pack. Maybe your best friend is 6’5″ and maybe your brother has bright green eyes. That girl you follow on Instagram has an amazing waistline, and that boy you follow has huge biceps. So what? They’re different people, and they’re just lucky enough to look like that. There’s nothing you can do to change that, and you’ll only drive yourself mad comparing yourself to them, so stop!

Follow social media accounts showing the diversity

From Facebook to Instagram, social media is unavoidable. Social media platforms are now a part of life, and most people spend a significant amount of their time online. It’s no surprise that the body positivity movement has become popular in recent years. It’s now possible to find many thousands of people with bodies similar to yours, so you’ll know you’re not alone. It’s also good to see diversity, as it helps you to realise that everyone is very different.


No matter your body type, it’s always a good idea to pursue better physical health. Everyone should be aiming for at least 1 hour of physical activity a day, which can be anything from speed-walking home from school or work to lifting weights in the gym. It doesn’t have to be an hour all in one go either – you can do 20 minutes of push-ups in your bedroom in the morning followed by 40 minutes on a treadmill in the evening. You might not get a 6-pack from this, but it will keep you strong and toned.

Try Out Yoga

Choosing yoga as part of your wellness routine during pregnancy can offer profound benefits beyond physical fitness. Engaging in yoga practice fosters a deep sense of body awareness, allowing you to connect with your changing body in a positive and nurturing way. As you move through various yoga poses, you become attuned to the sensations, strengths, and limitations of your body, fostering a profound sense of acceptance and appreciation for its evolving form. Moreover, yoga encourages mindfulness and self-compassion, guiding you to cultivate a loving and respectful relationship with your body throughout the transformative journey of pregnancy. By embracing yoga, you not only strengthen your physical body but also nurture a sense of inner peace and acceptance, empowering you to embrace and celebrate the changes that come with pregnancy. This holistic approach to self-care supports not only your physical well-being but also your mental and emotional health, promoting a sense of harmony and connection with yourself and your growing baby. Ultimately, yoga becomes a powerful tool for learning to love your body as it changes, fostering a deep sense of gratitude and reverence for the miraculous process of pregnancy.

Eat well

Finally, watch what you put in your mouth! The occasional burger or chocolate bar is nothing to feel guilty about, but you should also be eating as much fruit and veg as you can. This will keep your skin clear, your eyes bright, your hair shiny and your teeth and nails strong. These are often areas that people feel self-conscious about, but it’s possible to improve them just by changing your diet. It can also help to reduce fat around the stomach, which is often difficult to burn through exercise alone.

Your body changes. Your body changes a lot. And, unfortunately, your body sometimes changes in ways you don’t like. As our appearance changes, we do not have to reject reality. Instead, we can love our body for what it is, right now, at this moment. With a positive body image, we don’t have to hide or reject aspects of ourselves. Instead, we can embrace them and focus on the positive aspects of who we are.

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