Can I Surpass Life Amidst Endless Struggles?

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Life can be a struggle. Things do not always go as planned, things we want and need don’t always come to us, and things don’t go the way we want. While nothing in life is inevitable, some things stay constant. The key is to understand that our struggles in life are not an ending but an opportunity to grow.

Have you ever found yourself asking yourself, “Is it possible to surpass life amidst endless struggles?” Life is one big struggle. From school to work, and raising a family, we constantly struggle with one thing or another. Sometimes the struggle manifests itself physically, like with pain or illness. Other times, it’s a mental or emotional struggle, like an addiction to alcohol or overeating. No matter the struggle, it can be tough to overcome, and if it’s getting you down, it’s worth asking, “How can I surpass life amidst endless struggles?”

Seek help

Feeling like no one understands what you’re going through, or like you’re alone in your struggle? You’re not on your own, so you can find help. Do not be ashamed to ask for help. Be it a stranger, a loved one, a friend, or a mentor, others would be glad to help and see you succeed. It can be scary to reach out for help when you’re struggling with addiction or mental health. The stigma around addiction is very real, and many people may hesitate to ask for help. But it does not need to be scary. There are people available to help. You don’t have to feel ashamed, and you don’t have to struggle alone.

Do plan

Your career is more than just a job; it’s your life. That’s why it’s important to take it seriously. But many people leave their careers to chance, and that can sometimes lead to an unpleasant surprise. In fact, the Pew Research Center found that 35 per cent of workers in the U.S. are unhappy in their jobs. To live your life to the fullest, you have to be happy. To be happy, you need to achieve goals. Goals are hard to achieve, and many people get discouraged when they fail. Failure is a natural part of goal setting, so it’s important not to get down when you fail. Instead, focus on what you can do differently next time.

Remember that you are not alone

When you believe that no one around you has experienced what you are going through, it can start to become isolating. People may start letting you down, leading you to believe you are alone. This feeling can lead to depression and other problems.

Feel like you’re the only one going through a certain situation? That it is not a big deal? That everyone else has it worse? The reality is that every situation in life is a struggle. No situation is worse than anyone else’s, just as no situation is easier than someone else’s. We are all going through our own struggles, but that doesn’t make us any better or worse than anyone else.

Accept the support from others

If you or someone you care about has a substance abuse problem, you no doubt know that getting help is only half the battle. The other half is accepting that help. You cannot expect to become well unless you are willing to get the treatment you need. But you also can’t expect to get better on your own. If you do, you could end up even deeper in the hole.

Have a positive mindset

Start each day with a positive mindset, and train your mind to think positively, this will take both time and practice. Start with mental awareness. Practice this by means of meditation and mindfulness. Being good at recognizing one’s thoughts and letting the body and mind enter into a peaceful state means it’s easy to train one’s mind into thinking positively. Your mindset is your inner dialogue. It is the mental conversation you have with yourself, all the thoughts you think. It includes your self-talk about your relationships, work, health, money, and life in general. It is like autopilot in your mind.

Life can seem like a constant struggle. You struggle to achieve your goals, overcome your challenges, and rise above your circumstances. And some days, it just seems like it’s impossible; the burdens of life just seem to weigh you down. But the good news is that God doesn’t want us to struggle. Instead, He wants us to have hope and to trust in Him. In life, you will always experience difficulties. Because you are a human being. It is okay, though. It is okay to be human. It is not okay to allow our struggles to define who we are. We can rise above our struggles so we can choose to live a life worth remembering.

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